Frequently Asked Questions
After Hours Care - how to get help
How to get help after hours:
THAS (Telephone Health Advisory Services) 1-866-553-7205 TTY: 1-866-250-3379
Available 5pm-9pm on Weekdays and 24hrs on Weekends/recognized holidays.
Emergency Departments
Go to the Emergency Department when you have potentially life-threatening symptoms or injuries.
Urgent Care Facilities
Urgent Care can be used when you have an urgent but non-life-threatening illness or injury that needs to be addressed.
Urgent Care Locations Include:
Douglas Memorial Hospital: Urgent Care Service Fort Erie
Click here for more information/directions
Niagara Health Urgent Care Port Colborne
Click here for more information/directions
King Campus Urgent Care, St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton
Click here for more information/directions
West End Urgent Care Centre Hamilton
Appointment – what to do upon arrival
What do I do when I arrive for any appointment?
Please check in with the receptionist upon arrival.
You will need to swipe your health card and confirm that your address and telephone number has not changed. If you have had an injury at work, please inform the receptionist that this will be a WSIB visit. They will then need to ask for your employer’s name, address and telephone number as well as your social insurance number.
What to expect when coming to the office:
Our number one priority is to provide you with the safest possible care in the most timely manner.
When you call to book an appointment, the receptionists will tell you what door you are to come to when you come to the office. This will be dependent on your reason for being seen.
If you are asked to come to the back door, called our Yellow Door, please ring the doorbell and a nurse will come to let you in. You will be required to wear a medical mask if you are seen in this area of the office.
If you are asked to come to the front door, please note that our door is no longer locked. You can enter the building without using the intercom and proceed to check in at the Reception desk.
If you enter the building through the front door, you are no longer required to wear a mask but we still encourage you to do so.
We will continue to ask you to maintain a physical distance of 2m (6ft) from other patients in the waiting room.
Extra time has been allotted for cleaning/sanitizing the exam rooms between each patient.
Doctors and staff are all still required to wear masks and full PPE if they are seeing patients in the Yellow area.
If possible, please refrain from bringing extra people with you for your visit. This helps to reduce the risk of exposure as it would be difficult to maintain a physical distance in the exam rooms.
Family Health Team – what is it?
What is a Family Health Team?
A Family Health Team is a group of healthcare providers who work together to help keep you and your family healthy and co-ordinate the best possible care for your health needs. In addition to family doctors, our team includes nurse practitioners, nurse educators, mental health counselors and a dietitian. The team works together to offer health education and promotion, illness prevention, and disease diagnosis as well as management.
Will I still have a family Doctor?
Yes. Each patient signs up with a doctor and becomes part of the roster of the Family Health Team. You will be able to see your doctor or a nurse practitioner during regular office hours and you may also be referred to other health care providers when appropriate. We are also a teaching facility so our physicians do at times have residents working with them and may ask you to be seen by their resident if appropriate.
What are Team-Based Care Providers?
Flu Shot Information
Understanding Influenza Fact Sheet can be downloaded here (in PDF format):
Seasonal Influenza (Flu) Vaccine Facts:
Smithville Medical Centre FHT’s Flu Shot Clinics for our patients
Health Card Renewal Locations
Health Card Renewal Information:
* Telephone number and hours subject to change without notice. Located beside CIBC.
124 Griffin Street North, Smithville, ON L0R 2A0 General Inquiry: 905-957-4222
Health Card Inquiry: 1-888-376-5197 Driver & Vehicle Inquiry: 1-800-387-3445
Hours of Operation: Mon-Wed & Fri: 9am-5pm / Thu: 9am-7pm / Sat: 9am-12pm
Click here for more locations:
How to become a patient
To become a patient of the Smithville Medical Centre Family Health Team, we ask that you be a resident of the Township of West Lincoln. This is because West Lincoln covers a very large geographical area and is constantly growing. Our goal is to ensure that we can continue to provide our current and new patients of the area with the best medical care possible.
We ask that you register at Health Care Connect (HCC) either online or by telephone.
Before contacting HCC, you will need to contact your current family doctor and de-roster or de-register from their practice. If appropriate, you can ask your current family doctor to keep you on as an active patient until you do register with a new family physician, then you will not be without a family doctor. You will also need a current (not expired or red & white) health card.
Health Care Connect Telephone: 1-800-445-1822
When we are accepting new patients, we will get a list of registered people from HCC to be contacted.
Once you have been contacted and accepted by our office, we ask that you:
- Pick up your New Patient package
- Return your forms ASAP and allow us a few days to enter the information into our system
- You call us to schedule your initial appointment with your new family doctor
When you come in for your initial appointment, bring in all of the completed forms as well as all of your medications, including vitamins and supplements.
Because of the many requests that are received, we ask that the above process be completed within 30 days of being accepted or the request could be denied and given to the next person on the list.
Immunizations and Vaccinations
Public Health Agency of Canada Immunization Schedule:
Niagara Region Public Health Website:
Public Health Agency of Canada – A Parent’s Guide to Vaccination:
My Child is Sick ...
My Child is Sick … see the links listed below:
Deciding to Go to the Emergency Department
Infant and Childrens acetaminophen and ibuprofen shortage options
Prescription Repeat
What if I need a prescription repeated?
When medically appropriate we prefer to prescribe in 3-month intervals with repeats. This minimizes your trips to the pharmacy and dispensing fees, as well as decreases cost to the healthcare system. In the event that you do need to request a repeat of medication, many routine prescriptions can be renewed by fax.
Please do not call the office for prescription renewals – call your pharmacy directly.
Ask your pharmacist to fax your renewal request to your family doctor when you are down to your last 5-7 days worth of medication (Monday through Friday / do NOT count weekends).
Service Fees – Charges not covered by OHIP
Revised 2023/11/08 – Effective January 1st 2024
The fees listed are subject to change without notice.
OHIP does not cover the cost of the following services and thus we must bill patients directly.
These fees are based on Ontario Medical Association (OMA) Guidelines.
Payment is due by cash or debit before you leave the clinic.
Service Fees as of January 1st 2024
Specialist Referral
What happens if my Doctor refers me to a Specialist?
If your Doctor refers you to a specialist or arranges tests, our staff will make these arrangements and call or email you through Pomelo (HealthMyself), with the information of the date, time and place of your appointment. Please note that it may take upwards of 4 to 6 weeks for us to receive a reply regarding an appointment date.
Test Results
How do I get my test results?
Blood test results usually take several days to a week to return. X-rays and other tests usually take a week or more to return. If you have had several tests done, it is best to arrange an appointment to discuss the results with your doctor to answer any questions you may have. We will call about test results if further tests are needed, but may not call if results are normal. However, if you have questions about your tests and/or you haven’t heard from us and want your results, please ask.